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Jupiter and a surprise guest.


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Had another brilliant night tonight.


I spent the first couple of hours collimating the primary mirror  on the big scope.

Then it was wait for the clouds to clear and get some shots of Jupiter.


At around 2.30 AM the clouds duly parted company and stayed away until day break.


I collected about 80 Gigs of data of varying quality and had an absolute ball doing it.

It is a real shame Jupiter is so low in the sky.

I really want to see what this scope can do when I get to use all the mirror.


My next investment has to be a decent Colour Planetary Camera.

Any suggestions on what would be the best camera for me would be most welcomed.


The Images.

All taken with the Point Grey Mono.

Captured in Firecap

Stacked and sorted in Registax




For some reason I have lost the moons in the posting process on the next image.








The highlight of the night.





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Obviously i'm no expert (enthusiastic though)..


But i would look at the ZWO ASI 224.


It seems good value and Damien Peach himself has used it. 



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Yes  the asi range does seem to be the brand to go for  and usb3 if you can , though you will need to be running on an SSD drive to make the most of high frame rates , certainly the next camera brand  I will get  though mono /rgb  definitely give better colour than the osc 

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It would be nice if they were a bit higher in our skies.



I use the ZWO 178MC USB 3, this time round I think the powermates will stay in the box.

For Planetary only a 120 USB3 might be OK for your rig

With full frame I can get 30fps for about 30 secs before the small form factor Dell I5 PC starts buffering.


With ROI I can get 70 odd fps for jupiter and Saturn sort of sizes and got 120 + with mars without any buffering.


With the laptops the buffering starts earlier and the frame rate is not quite as high.

All with SSD fitted.

I don't have a gaming lappy but that may do better.

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I have been looking at the 178.

Don't know if my old pc will be able to handle it.

It is usb 2 and I am still running windows xp 

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Iam still not decided as I have not had a really good run for planetary.


Having said that it did do a good job on mars even though it was well past its best.

I also have an ADC but again need more time with it to test.

I only have about an hour of jupiter so as you can imagine time for tinkering is in short supply.


Having said that it worked well with the 132  but I have not had much time or sucess since.



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Much better than a couple of weeks ago with the SCT which I did not post as the seeing was not up to it.

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Some tests

with the I5 ssd USB 2 lappy full frame 5.2 fps 1024x768 41fps 800x 600 71 fps no buffering

older steam powered Win 7 lappy with usb 2 and 5400 hard drive full frame 3 fps and buffering after 20 secs (high % frames lost) 1024x 769 20 fps 800x 600 30 fps


so if you are going for a USB3 cam I suggest an upgrade of PC/Lappy to win 7 with SSD or you are not going to get an advantage.


Will see if I can get the XP net book to run later

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1 hour ago, Ibbo said:

Iam still not decided as I have not had a really good run for planetary.


Having said that it did do a good job on mars even though it was well past its best.

I also have an ADC but again need more time with it to test.

I only have about an hour of jupiter so as you can imagine time for tinkering is in short supply.


Having said that it worked well with the 132  but I have not had much time or sucess since.



That actually looks good colour  for osc 

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1 hour ago, Ibbo said:

Some tests

with the I5 ssd USB 2 lappy full frame 5.2 fps 1024x768 41fps 800x 600 71 fps no buffering

older steam powered Win 7 lappy with usb 2 and 5400 hard drive full frame 3 fps and buffering after 20 secs (high % frames lost) 1024x 769 20 fps 800x 600 30 fps


so if you are going for a USB3 cam I suggest an upgrade of PC/Lappy to win 7 with SSD or you are not going to get an advantage.


Will see if I can get the XP net book to run later



Thanks Steve.

High frame rates are not that important to me.

30 fps is ample.

The actual computer is a decent duel core jobby that started off running windows 7.


I might give the Point Grey a run through LRGB filters to see what happens.

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