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Voyager software- automation


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There’s a good review on SGL of voyager software  integrates all your third party software to allow automation of your observatory , I thought it may be useful to others , so a heads up ,review here  https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/336043-voyager-software-review/





Edited by Bottletopburly
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Interesting bit of software.

But I have to ask -------- What is the point.


This is my personal take on this.


Why would you want a fully automated observatory.


Surely the hobby is about being involved hands on with astronomy. 


Learning about the cause and effect of what your gear does and how to use it.


Learning how to overcome problems on the fly so you do not waste our short supply of clear skies.


Tackling the steep learning curves of imaging the universe and producing images you can take pride in. 

Ok they will not be Hubble quality but they will be yours and yours alone.


At least at the end of the day you can look at your efforts however good they are and with some pride say


" I did that "


Not some computer program, ------  but you.


If you get home at night, or in fact remotely press a button to get everything going then wander off to watch the telly whilst a computer does everything else can you really call yourself an amateur astronomer ?????  

Can you really kid yourself that you took the images.

I mean really ????


Millions of ordinary people play computer games but none of them classify themselves as Fighter pilots, Tank commanders , Warriors , Racing drivers , I could go on and on but you get my point.

This level of technology is turning our hobby into just another computer game all be it a very expensive one.


If you have an observatory that does everything for you why bother, just get yourself a book of pretty pictures and save the money.


The conversation point has now been raised  ------    Discuss 

Edited by Graham
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Agree with you Graham even though I use Anydesk from indoors!! 

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At one time I wouldnt have agreed more Graham. I have sat fighting clouds, sub zero temperatures, errant computers, com ports, rubbish connectors and plugs which decide to fall out or Ive forgotten to plug in the correct socket etc etc.

I wouldnt give remote observatories a second thought and poo pooed those that used them,  until my health dictated things for me. 4 years ago late nights and all nighters became impossible for me due to ill health so much so that my backyard observatory is now a shed with a funny roof. I started using remote telescopes because that was the only way I could do my beloved Astronomy.

Ill health has a way of changing ones opinions.


I now see there is a place for both and even though as I get older I am getting more of a pc luddite, hate the things ?, I am grateful that the remote scopes exist to allow me to take the occassional image and keep the interest alive.

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yes i agree with you graham to a point but as phil says  there are other reasons to look at other options , ill health brings obstacles and having an option to to automate may be useful to someone ,or maybe it just suits your needs ,i will stick to fumbling around in the dark and banging around in the shed in the early hours 

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