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Perseids meteor shower picking up nicely.


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As the title says. 

These are the best of the bunch so far today.












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Thanks for keeping up to date Graham. Really good Perseids here last year. I think I heard that the moon might be an issue this year.


Would you have time to explain what the axes on the graph are please, I'd be interested to know more..


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The vertical axis are the time split into 20 second intervals.

The Horizontal axis are split into the frequency the hit corresponds to. It is centered on 2000 Hz.

By working from the hit's starting point using the Doppler effect you can see if the Meteor was coming towards you, away from you or going across your position.

The different colours are visible identification markers of its components.

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Thanks. SO you have four images,

In the 1,3 and 4, the  frequency is constant(ish), does that mean that they are coming towards  you, and second going straight across your position then?  What does the shape of the trace imply?


Thanks Graham,

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In image 1,2 and 4 the frequency is rising so it is coming towards me.

In image 3 the frequency is stable so it is moving across my position.


The shape of the hits is out for debate at the moment.

There are many theories and opinions.


My interpretation of say image 1 is the Meteor hit the atmosphere traveling towards me and is breaking up as it does so. 


Keep looking for clarity on this but the more you dig the more variations of theories you come across. ?

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