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Guest craigymuk

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Yes BUT you really need a mount that is motorized so that it 'tracks' with the object you are photographing. Otherwise you will get star 'trails' and you will not be able to use the long exposures you need for astro-photography.At least an RA motor should be fitted. (Right Ascention).

Hope this is helpful, feel free to ask more questions until your sure what you want to buy?




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With an RA motor and a webcam you should be able to do some elementary imaging of planets. Whist it's technically possible to attach a dslr I'm not sure how suitable it would be for your scope. You may find you have focus issues that are hard (or not cost effective) to resolve on this scope - but there's every reason to have a go at planets/moon - and great for observing. :)

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PM Sheila asap, she has a Philips Web cam made for telescope fitting!! (Cheap I think?)

I have told her on the Shoutbox and you are welcome to it if you need it!!

Edited by Ron Clarke
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