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Rosette, lots of data.

Guest ollypenrice

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Guest ollypenrice

This combines data from three shoots with guests (Tom and Dave) who both contributed Ha. The earliest data is about three years old and the latest is from the day before yesterday. If you can't get somethg crisp out of about 20 hours at F5.3 and F3.9 combined then it would be a poor do! Mostly Atik 4000, HaLRGB, but also Dave's QSI. Tak FSQ85ED, my favourite imaging scope. Here we go:




Bigger;  http://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-SVkkwzW/0/X3/ROSETTE%20FIN3WEB-X3.jpg



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I don't understand any of that, but the picture is amazing.

give it time and you will soon catch on to the lingo :D



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Hi Olly, once again-absolutely stunning! I love the black detail in the centre that kind if look like little "fingers" are they gas clouds?

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Bloody hell Mate you really know how to depress a guy.

I went off to work this morning very tired but quite pleased with my first attempt at this target last night.

I come home to find your incredible photo of what it should look like.


In all seriousness though Olly yet another brilliant photo there.

Well done to the three of you that is deffinatey one for the album.

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Lol Olly - yeah right mate hahaha - lovely shot once again - I gotta get myself over to Les Granges one day :)

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