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Three hours of my life.......


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I have just spent three hours of my life watching Blade Runner 2049. I was losing the will to live until he met Harrison Ford (about 2 hours in) and then in was pretty good. I'm not sure what to make of it :chin_scratch2:


Atmospheric, special effects, sooooooo slow, and all that mumbling.


Anyone else seen it?

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Yup - it came last week - biggest anti climax ever - and we were so looking forward to it. Yawning - struggling to stay awake - wondering when it was going to end - and only a very tenuous link to the former classic. But the visuals and sound quality were terrific - however you can't disguise a naff present by wrapping it in fancy paper. Wot on Earth were all those great reviews about? lol :)

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I am glad we missed it at the cinema now. I am a big fan of the original and was looking foreward to seeing this new one. I will curb my enthusiasm now

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3 hours ago, Doc said:

What surprised me Kim was it was directed by Ridley Scott :chin_scratch2:

Yep - we thought he'd lost the plot - possibly due to "getting on a bit now" lol

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It was not a Blade Runner movie... I mean it really wasnt. No film noir feel, no slightly mamga/cyberpunk vibe.  I mean, even the replicants were barely distinguishable from humans.  I know that is slightly the point but as far as the story went there really wasnt.  Oh, and Harrison Ford cant act worth a damn anymore.  I think its all the plane crashing.   


Then again, the only thing Ridley Scotts done well lately has been The Martian which kept close to the source material frankly and thankfully so you cant go too far wrong.


And the soundtrack indistinguishable from Interstellar- I mean pick a note


and stick to it for five minutes at a time.  Oh, and Interstellar - All that blubbing!  And Gravity too.  Total botty water.


And dont get me started on the new Star Wars films.


But as to TV - now Westworld, that was pure quality.


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7 minutes ago, DeanWatson said:

Oh, and Interstellar

The less said about Interstellar the better lol.

8 minutes ago, DeanWatson said:

now Westworld, that was pure quality

Absolutely! - a little drawn out in one or two places but nothing to winge about really - on the whole it was very engaging. But we shoulda spread it out more - watched the whole 10hrs box set over two days lol. Great atmos soundtrack and stunning visually. :)

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Not seen - Game of Thrones, Interstellar , Gravity or Bladerunner 2, seen the Martian though.

Dont like modern sci fi or fantasy stuff, used to be addicted to it in the old days of hub caps, shakey sets and Harryhausen.

Too little imagination required with this new fangled cgi stuff

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