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Total eclipse from space


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Spotted this on Facebook and thought I'd share:



It's a 360 video, so once playing you can drag around with your mouse. It's particularly breathtaking to watch the shadow of the moon travel across the surface of the Earth.

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That's impressive. A bit of a claim to say it was filmed from space when it was on a weather balloon still in the atmosphere, but still impressive.

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Thanks for sharing Craig, i enjoyed that.

I'm guessing it was from 'The great American eclipse 21.08.17' ?


It ran all the way through ok first time, but although it said it was in 4K (i'm guessing that was why it was crashing for Graham)

it didn't look like the usual 4K quality stuff i see normally. A lot of it looked a bit blocky.


And strangely, now its finished, it won't run again.

I'm getting a 'Video Unavailable : 360 Videos are not available on this browser....?


Yet it let me see it the first time of asking ?

(i'm using a 2015 iMac running Mojave v 10.14.5 and using Safari v 12.1.1)

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