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Meteor Detector - Resurrected!


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Cheers Graham,


I think I'll stop tinkering with the script now .... it picked this up a few mins ago, so it seems to be doing it's stuff!










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More tinkering .....

Spec Lab allows you to run 2 instances, so with a bit of tweaking and re-naming of the .USR and Conditional Actions files I've got 2 copies running.

One with the waterfall display and trying one out with the 3D display.  Not seeing any conflicts so far and both capturing meteors as they come in.


Waterfall Display:


3D Display:



Now it's definitely time to walk away from the keyboard and see how it holds up overnight!


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I got that one as well. ? 

Interesting that you are running at a lower frequency range than I am.

What have you got your min thresh hold set at to minimize the small ones.

I am running at 20.

Considering raising it up to around the 25 - 30 point for the same reason.



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31 minutes ago, Graham said:

I got that one as well. ? 

Interesting that you are running at a lower frequency range than I am.

What have you got your min thresh hold set at to minimize the small ones.

I am running at 20.

Considering raising it up to around the 25 - 30 point for the same reason.


My threshold is also at 20 - that seems to be the norm!

Looking at my old scripts it used to be set at 18.  To judge it I watched/listened to detector for a while and there were things that were certainly meteorites that didn't get counted so I dropped it down.  This set-up looks good at 20 so I'll leave it there for now.


The script I have counts all hits that meet the threashold level but only capture images for those hits above a specified level, so it drastically cuts down on the number of screen captures that get taken.  Obviously you miss seeing some of the smaller ones but they're mostly small blips on the screen.  All the bigger stuff gets captured.


The same applies to recording .wav files, however I need to look closer at my audio config as it's creating .wav files but they are all 0 bytes.

I was using the laptop to pipe some scanner audio to various applications so there are a few things I need to check and I'm pretty certain that's down to my audio config rather than the script.


As for the lower freq - yeah!   Although I'm not sure why Phil has it set at that, but it's working and I'm hearing the pings so I'm happy and the only difference I see (or rather hear) is the ping is at a slightly lower tone.


The Components screen is a bit more complicated that the script I used before.  This one uses an oscillator for freq adjustment, but I've not looked at that yet.








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On 19/08/2019 at 15:55, Graham said:

What have you got your min thresh hold set at to minimize the small ones.

I am running at 20.

Considering raising it up to around the 25 - 30 point for the same reason.


On the subject of threshold settings.

When Graves stopped transmitting yesterday I took the opportunity to lower my threshold setting to see how low I safely could take it without general noise, pops & crackles

being picked up at counted as a meteor hit. 


With no signal from Graves everything was quiet and I was getting zero per/hr.  I dropped the threshold down to 15 and it still didn't pick up anything over a 3 hr period.

Once Graves came back on the air I watched my trace for a while and only saw hits on things that looked like meteors.

I now have it set at 16 on both instances of Spec Lab (waterfall & 3D) and it all seems stable and only counting things that look like meteors and they are all on the expected

frequence, rather than up/down the freq scale (I'm guessing noise would be far more ranom).



I have also started uploading data to the RMOB website. (image should update on the hr with a refresh)


Getting colorgramme to upload correctly was driving me nuts until I remembered that it doesn't like newer versions of Windows and certinly not 64bit versions. 

Setting compatability to Win Vista fixed it!  ....... VISTA ? You'd think they'd have updated it by now!


I'd like to find a way to automatically extrace daily/monthly meteor counts, although I can do it manually from the logs.









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Al are you going to Kelling next month. ????

If yes I wold like to pick your brains on how to set up the rest of this.

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No, sorry - not goint to Kelling.

Happy to try help via email if that's any good



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The big challenge now is to capture the latest Perseid of the year. I tried tonight but gave up, due to cloud. 


My earliest this year was July 21st, four days after the official start of the shower. 


I'd like to see if you and Graham can find any meteors before July 17th and after August 24th. If so, it could mean that the shower lasts for longer and I can pass the results to the IMO.

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PLEASE check your detectors from 0000 to 0030 GMT. I saw 3 shower meteors and 1 bright sporadic that originated from western Cassiopeia of mag 1.

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9 hours ago, Sunny Phil said:

The big challenge now is to capture the latest Perseid of the year. I tried tonight but gave up, due to cloud. 

My earliest this year was July 21st, four days after the official start of the shower. 

I'd like to see if you and Graham can find any meteors before July 17th and after August 24th. If so, it could mean that the shower lasts for longer and I can pass the results to the IMO.

Not really sure how I'd be able to say for certain if a hit was from a specific shower or a sporadic.

Last time my detector was active I was seeing hits everyday, all year round and some of those where quite big, bright.

I can't check before the 17th on mine as it's only been back up and running full time since the 18th - before that it was up/down for a day or two whilst I adjusted the scripts.


8 hours ago, Sunny Phil said:

PLEASE check your detectors from 0000 to 0030 GMT. I saw 3 shower meteors and 1 bright sporadic that originated from western Cassiopeia of mag 1.

As far as I'm aware meteors detected using Graves are not normall visible from the UK.

The Graves signal is transmitted in a Southerly direction from Djion and backscatter reflections tend to be from meteors over N France down towards the Med.

The antennas used here are directional Yagi's and they need to be pointed in a SE direction towards Djion.


I know of one person trying to use Graves to detect 'local' UK meteors and he is getting some but has only managed to get a visual/spec lab hit correlation one 1 meteor.

Since the TV signal has gone digital I'm not aware of a suitable Tx source that could be used.  Perhaps the best option would be the Brams HF transmitter in Belgium.


I'm still experimenting with running 2 Speclab traces. One showing a 60sec zoomed in trace and the other a longer trace showing around 5 mins, but I'm still tweaking the longer trace.





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6 hours ago, Al.Grant said:



Not really sure how I'd be able to say for certain if a hit was from a specific shower or a sporadic.

Last time my detector was active I was seeing hits everyday, all year round and some of those where quite big, bright.

I can't check before the 17th on mine as it's only been back up and running full time since the 18th - before that it was up/down for a day or two whilst I adjusted the scripts.


As far as I'm aware meteors detected using Graves are not normall visible from the UK.

The Graves signal is transmitted in a Southerly direction from Djion and backscatter reflections tend to be from meteors over N France down towards the Med.

The antennas used here are directional Yagi's and they need to be pointed in a SE direction towards Djion.


I know of one person trying to use Graves to detect 'local' UK meteors and he is getting some but has only managed to get a visual/spec lab hit correlation one 1 meteor.

Since the TV signal has gone digital I'm not aware of a suitable Tx source that could be used.  Perhaps the best option would be the Brams HF transmitter in Belgium.


I'm still experimenting with running 2 Speclab traces. One showing a 60sec zoomed in trace and the other a longer trace showing around 5 mins, but I'm still tweaking the longer trace.





Shame really. Graham has detected meteors that I have seen visually. I'm due a replacement intervalometer when my ship comes in so I don't catch much photographically. It would be a great amateur discovery if we could detect a Perseid tonight.

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Spent a bit of time over the past 2 days looking at how to create various logs and the info contained in the logs generated by the script I'm using.


I can use RMOB to see my detections per hour for the each day and I can use Excel to import some of the data from the logs to give me a count for total meteors

for the day and also show durations. 

The vast majority are short 'pings' with a duration of 1 but it's easy to see that some are far larger.

Due to the number of meteors the time scale is a little cramped and I'm going to have a play around to try find a better way to dispay the data.





The image below is the metor circled in red above captured at 13:33 23 Aug 2019.



RMOB image:







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