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JWST diffraction spikes


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1 hour ago, DeanWatson said:

JWST images with diffraction spikes.  Nice or nasty, discuss...!


I reckon I'll put up with them given all the good stuff that comes with them 😉 

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Always prefer images without them, but willing to put up with them for the sake of the other detail captured.

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That’s what you get with 6.5m hexagonal mirrors pita 🙄

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I prefer not to see them, but with JWST i'll turn a blind eye to them 😉

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I too prefer not to see them but will put up with it for that sort of data 😁

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Mind-blowing with or without, it'll do until someone can make a 6.5m refractor and hoof it into space. 

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I prefer not, but it's just the way it is. There is software to add spikes, so I might assume there is something to remove them.

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Not fussed unless they are over done on bright stars but like everyone else I will put up with them because of the data thats in there

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16 hours ago, BAZ said:

I prefer not, but it's just the way it is. There is software to add spikes, so I might assume there is something to remove them.

What's the idea behind adding them? Christmas cards?

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Guess we all have different likes and dislikes, some people like them and I am guessing enough for there to be a demand for software to add them. I would prefer them not to be on stuff like the JSWt images as I want to see the detail and not have it cluttered with the spikes, but as there isn't a lot that can be done with the secondary supports. 

Some people who aren't astro educated I know seem to think that more distant stars are actually like that with the spikes and want to know why there are non near us. They were a bit disappointed when I told them why. A shame really as there are many stunning objects out there without the pointy stars. 

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1 hour ago, BAZ said:

Guess we all have different likes and dislikes, some people like them and I am guessing enough for there to be a demand for software to add them. I would prefer them not to be on stuff like the JSWt images as I want to see the detail and not have it cluttered with the spikes, but as there isn't a lot that can be done with the secondary supports. 

Some people who aren't astro educated I know seem to think that more distant stars are actually like that with the spikes and want to know why there are non near us. They were a bit disappointed when I told them why. A shame really as there are many stunning objects out there without the pointy stars. 

I'm with you Baz, I don't like them, spoils the aesthetics, but what can you do?   One thing I'd like to see at some point if it were possible is a big solar sail type mirror, aluminised film, that kind of thing. I mean a really big one with some sort of secondary or instrument pod arrangement, probably only weigh a few tons in total.  Now granted the optical quality would be rubbish depending upon how you made it and controlled (perhaps actively) the curvature but the aperture could be more or less whatever you like, even in the kilometres which perhaps could make up for any optical deficiencies.

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