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I was blessed with clear skies tonight so I made a start on my Veil Nebula project.

My aim is to gather around 20 hours of data on this over several nights.


This is the result of tonight's run.

I have had to reduce the exposure time down to 90 seconds to stop blowing out the main star completely.

I will post up the results of successive runs as I add more and more data to it.


Helios 127mm Frac.

Modded Canon 350 D

102 x 90 second subs at ISO 800

11 x Dark Frames

21 x Flat Frames


Stacked in DSS

Processed in PS 6





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Thanks Tobias hopefully it will get a lot better over the coming days.


Sheila DSLR I know, but as I am shooting this over several days it means leaving the camera attached to the scope.

There is absolutely no way in the world I would leave your 314 outside in the obs.

If someone breaks into the obs and nicks the canon fair enough but they will never get the chance with the Atik.

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Guest Astrocookie

Looking good Graham.

Cheers for putting your settings down, gives me an idea of where to start!

If I ever get any clear sky :-(

PS: like your Ethos. being a fellow DIY / self modder :-)

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Paul - Thanks, apart from the set up shots I took before this is a first for me.


Paul (2) - No probs, I always put the settings down so folks can tell me if and where I am going wrong. I know what you mean about the clear sky, its getting beyond a joke with all this cloud, I mean its going to be June next week. :(

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