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Which Phone?


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It's time to upgrade or rather swap my phone. I'm looking to you good folk to point me in the direction of a decent phone. I currently have the HTC Sense with Beats something or other. I've had an iPhone and dislike them intently. I would prefer something with a touch screen that rotates when you tip the phone and probably on Android of some form or other.


I see I can get free gifts with some of them, one of those is a tablet. Among them are some Samsung something or others and a Google Nexus? 7? I think it was. Are any of these worth having or am I better off just getting a cheaper phone deal or maybe a TV?

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Is that the same as a S4 or is that different? I'm no good with all these names and numbers, I do wish they would just call them something completely different rather than call them 4, S4, S4 Mini etc etc. :lol:

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sorry Mike cant advise you.... i phone for me every time, get on really well with it.  we have HTC wildfires too at work and they are awful :lol:

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I've had the new nexus 5 for a week and it's brilliant. Completely unlocked and stock android(no preinstalled rubbish) on pay as you go for just under £300.

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I like the samsung too. I found I got a better deal shopping around and not having a free gift, although of course the deals do change.

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Is that the same as a S4 or is that different? I'm no good with all these names and numbers, I do wish they would just call them something completely different rather than call them 4, S4, S4 Mini etc etc. :lol:

Sorry Mike I meant S4 I was getting confused between their offering for tablets and phones. It is the samsung S4 I was recommending. However I am a firm IPhone fan I just took heed of your saying that you didn't like them and suggested what I would get if I didn't like or couldn't get an iPhone :)

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Cool thanks :)


I just dislike apple telling me what I can and can't look at on the web, that and insisting on using odd files for the music and not allowing me to use whatever I like off my playlist as a ringtone because they want to rinse yet more money out of you by selling you a ringtone...... I just hate apple :lol:


So what's the gen on tablets? Samsung or Google?

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I still have whatever I want as ringtone/text alert tone from my music Collection on my iPhone I just use an app called ringtone maker :) As for the flash enabled websites not wing viewable by apple products-yeah that is annoying!

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+1 for the nexus 5. Its pure Google/android with none of the samsung bloat they put on. I have a nexus 3 phone and nexus 7 tab highly recommend.

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I've had a HTC Desire for about two years. It was good at first, but soon ran out of memory and became a total PITA, but it was reliable and robust. Have just changed it for a HTC One (chosen over a Samsung S4). I have to say, it's brilliant. Fast, slick, easy to use, lots of memory, long battery life... I could go on (and frequently do), but I thoroughly recommend this phone. Best of all, got three free with our business account.

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I recently got the Galaxy Note 3. As far as I can see, it does everything that the Galaxy S4 does but on a bigger, wide angle :) screen and it has a stylus that has its own suite of functions (which I haven't fully mastered yet).

Before getting it I wondered if it might be a bit too big, but it fits all my pockets. Now I wouldn't want to go back to anything smaller, and my old iPhone screen looks tiny.

It has a voice to text system similar to Siri on the iphone, but the Samsung version translates almost 100% correctly whereas Siri rarely got it right.

I think it is excellent.

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Whichever smart phone you get I would recommend the Sky Safari app, I have the Plus version £10. You have a planetarium in your pocket, its a very powerful piece of software, I use it regularly when I'm observing. As far as the tablets go, if you hate Apple, then I would go for the Nexus 7, it has very good reviews.

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I've had iPhones for ages and tbh not felt at all harnessed by it (or apple). Not suffered from the lack of flash ( websites and designers have evolved away from such things)

Loads of apps for almost everything you can think of.

iTunes is used to control you phone with hard to adding music etc and it's the only thing I dislike, there are ways around iTunes.

If you want to tinker as a hobbyist, go android, but if you want a black box to do phone calls and other stuff, iPhone is my choice.


Go into a shop and play....

Try before you buy

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I'll go have a look at the Nexus and S4 I think then, thanks folks. And on consideration I will avoid the "free" gifts in favour of a cheaper tariff

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You will struggle to find the nexus 5 on contact without them ripping you off(well most contracts rip you off but hey ho), i'm hoping to get to the december meet so if you can hold off until then you can have a play with my nexus 5.


As for the 'free' gifts, sometimes it's worth it I guess if you kinda wanted whatever the gift is, as a few above has said, nexus 7 is a great tablet too.

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I can get the Nexus on a better tariff than my current one and cheaper, so I'm not bothered, in fact I think it's pretty darned cheap. £27 Pm with unlimited everything except data which is 1Gb

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The Galaxy Note 3 has a screen size part way between the S4 and the Nexus 7. It is more expensive on contract or payg, but it is 4G ready.

Might be worth a look.

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I've had the new nexus 5 for a week and it's brilliant. Completely unlocked and stock android(no preinstalled rubbish) on pay as you go for just under £300.


^ This. :)


It's stock android which means no crappy Samsung/HTC/LG software on it, it's incredibly fast and very responsive. It's got a brilliant screen.


Having used the current generation Samsungs, I would not use them over this handset.


(P.S. my iPhone died a horrible death when it collided with a concrete floor!)

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The Galaxy Note 3 has a screen size part way between the S4 and the Nexus 7. It is more expensive on contract or payg, but it is 4G ready.

Might be worth a look.


I actually meant the Note :facepalm: old age and sawdust are addling my brain :wacko:

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(P.S. my iPhone died a horrible death when it collided with a concrete floor!)


I saw and I did laugh a little (well quite a lot) as I thought it was the best thing I had seen an iPhone do! :lol::evil:

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Guest peepshow

old age and sawdust are addling my brain :wacko:

 Stardust addles mine. :)  

I've got a 25 quid phone. 

The only app on it is if I 'appen to drop it. :D

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